Terms and conditions

Intellectual Property

“CAPROCAS.com”, “CAPROCAS” and the CAPROCAS logo are trademarks of CAPROCAS DMCC, and all rights are reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, We own copyrights of the content on the Site. You may print off one copy of any page(s) from the Site for your personal reference and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to material posted. Our status as the authors of material on the Site should always be acknowledged. Apart from this, you may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any page(s) from the Site, and any deletion or modification of the content of the Site, or use of the content for any unauthorized purpose, is in violation of our copyrights. If you wish to make any use of material on the Site other than that set out above, please address your request to LSMITH@CAPROCAS.COM.

Accessing the Site

Access to the Site is permitted on a temporary basis and is subject always to these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend access to the service without notice. You are responsible for arranging access to the Site You are also responsible for ensuring that anyone else accessing the Site through your internet connection is aware of these terms and that they comply with them. We update the Site regularly and so may change the content at any time. If the need arises, We have the option to suspend the Site or to close it indefinitely.

Your Obligations

You will use the Site for lawful purposes and only as authorised in these Terms and Conditions.

Linking to the Site

You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and which does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.

Data Protection and Privacy

By proceeding to use our website and any service provided through our website, you consent that we may process the personal data (including sensitive personal data) that we collect from you in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In particular, we may use the information we hold about you for the purposes that you provide by filling in forms on our site.

Please address any questions, comments and requests regarding our data processing practice to  LSMITH@CAPROCAS.COM.


The Site and all the content on the Site is provided for use “as is” and “as available” and any reliance upon the same is at your sole risk. Whilst We take all reasonable care to ensure that the content on this Site is accurate, We cannot guarantee its accuracy and We reserve the right to change the content on this Site at any time. We make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this Site or the content of the Site, including any text, graphics, advertisements, links or other items. Furthermore, neither We nor any other contributor to this website make any representation or gives any warranty

Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the use to which you put this Site and all the results and information you obtain from it and that all warranties, conditions, undertakings, representations and terms whether expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

The UAE Courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from or related to a visit to the Site.

Variation of these Terms

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Policy, from time to time. The version of the Conditions that apply is the version in force on the day of your use of any particular part of the Site. It is your responsibility to check the Site regularly to determine whether these Terms and Conditions have been changed.

Your concerns

If you have any concerns about material that appears on the Site please contact  LSMITH@CAPROCAS.COM.